Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Veganize It, Don't Criticize It -- Flashback to a Fave

Today is Wednesday and it is Rachel's day to cook. However, since the third member of our triumvirate is off having a lush, gorgeous trip exploring beautiful places that are neither suburban nor Garden State-ish, Jen C. and I are on our own for dinner tonight. I thought that I would take this opportunity to reflect on one of my favorite meal share dinners to prepare -- it was a lemony pasta dish that was featured in one of this summer's Vegetarian Times. I was unsure about whether or not the lemon flavor would be overwhelming, but I (and therefore we) gave it a try anyway. I was really pleasantly surprised at how quick, and tasty, this dish was...and, important for meal share purposes, it was easy to double!

The recipe is very basic; I like to accessorize most of what I eat with legumes and this dish was no exception. I added both garbanzos and some finely chopped greens. Delicious! Next time I might even add something from the milder side of the allium family - I'm thinking chives or lightly sauteed leeks or scallions would be very tasty indeed without overpowering the light, creamy lemon flavor.

Finally, I am also a big fan of veganizing non-vegan recipes and of course, that is just what I did - easy to do in this recipe by simply using a vegan cream cheese.

Without further ado: the recipe for Linguine in Lemon Cream Sauce. If you try it, let us know how you liked it!

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